Jeff White


Writer of adult literature for e-readers

Pain and Domination

The young au pair was waiting for her master to get home, and she knew that when he did she would be in trouble.Again. She knew she could expect a beating. Again. But was everything the way it seemed?

Lindsey married Grant, even though she knew what he would expect of her, and from their honeymoon onwards he offered her body to other men, both to fuck and to beat. Even her sister got to play, whipping her cunt until it was almost in shreds! Then Grant bought some dogs, and once  more Lindsey was on the receiving end!

This book is banned at Amazon and iBooks.

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Controlling Louise

From the Bedtime Canon, Gareth likes to control and humiliate Louise; secretly she likes him doing it, even when he beats her in front of  his friends!

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India likes to hurt men, and there are plenty of men who like to be hurt! In this, the first book, she whips one slave’s penis, burns another’s with a cattle prod, and even re-routes poor Walter’s urethra so that one day she can cut his cock off!

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